
(Chris Devlin) #1

In terms of their articulation, frictionless continuants are very like vowels,
but they function as consonants.
see also fricative, lateral, nasal, stop

fronting v
the placing of a word or phrase at the front of a clause or sentence to give it
extra prominence.
I would really love to trythat (object after the verb).
ThatI would really love to try (object fronted for greater prominence).

front vowel n
see vowel

FSI^1 n
see Foreign Service Institute

FSI^2 n
an abbreviation for Foreign Service Institute oral interview

an abbreviation for functional sentence perspective

an abbreviation for face threatening act

full transfer/full access hypothesis n
in SLA, the hypothesis that, with respect to syntax, there are no inherent
restrictions on what can be transferred from the first language and no
inherent restrictions on access to universal grammarby second language

full verb n
see auxiliary verb

full word n
see content word

function n
the purpose for which an utterance or unit of language is used. In language
teaching, language functions are often described as categories of behaviour;

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