
(Chris Devlin) #1
A culture is a hegemony if it is so dominant that its beliefs, values and
practices are viewed as natural or common sense. For example, deviations
from culturally valued rhetorical norms in writing by people from a different
cultural background may be viewed as a failure to think clearly.

heritage languagen
sometimes used to refer to the language a person regards as their native,
home, or ancestral language. This may be an indigenous language (e.g.
Welsh in Wales) or immigrant languages (e.g. Spanish in the US).
see also language maintenance

heritage language learnern
also heritage learner
a term that is sometimes used to refer to learners who acquired a particular
language as their first language at home and subsequently study that
language. Special courses are sometimes designed for such learners, for
example, Spanish for Spanish speakers in the US, whose verbal fluency in
Spanish is often more advanced than their literacy-related skills (because
their education has been in English). Other writers use the term more
generally to refer to any learner of a language who considers that language
to be part of his or her cultural heritage.

hesitation phenomenan
another term for pausing

heterogeneous classn
a class consisting of learners who are very different from each other, either
by age, language proficiency level or some other characteristic. A class with
learners who are very similar to each other is known as a homogeneous

the idea, proposed by Bakhtin, that humans constantly assimilate the dis-
courses of others and make them their own, so that even a single linguistic
code (such as an idiolect) contains many distinct varieties within it.

1 (in education) teaching procedures which encourage learners to learn
through experience or by their own personal discoveries.
2 (in learning) processes of conscious or unconscious inquiry or discovery.
For example, in trying to discover the meanings of words in a foreign
language, a learner may repeat aloud a sentence containing the word,

heritage language
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