indirect speechn
see direct speech
indirect speech actn
a speech act in which the communicative intention is not reflected in the
linguistic form of the utterance. For example, “It is very hot in here” may
be used to express a request to turn on the air conditioner.
see speech act
indirect testn
a test that measures ability indirectly by requiring test takers to perform
tasks not reflective of an authentic target language use situation, from
which an inference is drawn about the abilities underlying their per-
formance on the test. An example of an indirect test of writing includes a
test that asks test takers to locate errors in a composition; an example of an
indirect test of pronunciation is a test where test takers are asked to select
a word that has the same pronunciation as the one in the stem.
see also direct test, semi-direct
individual bilingualismn
individual differencesn
also individual learner differences
factors specific to individual learners which may account for differences in
the rate at which learners learn and their level of attainment. While much
research in second language learning has the goal of discovering processes
and stages of development that are common to all learners, this has always
been accompanied by a complementary concern for differences among
learners. Given the same learning environment, it is often observed that
some learners are highly successful and others are not. Individual learner
factors that have been frequently identified as possible causes for differential
success include age (see critical period), aptitude, motivation, cognitive
style, the use of learning strategies, and personality.
also individualized instruction, individualized learning
a learner-centred approach to teaching in which
a goals and objectives are based on the needs of individual learners
b allowances are made in the design of a curriculum for individual differences
in what students wish to learn, how they learn, and the rate at which they
indirect speech