learning management systemn
also LMS, course management system(CMS) or virtual learning environment
software that facilitates learner-instructor and learner-learner communica-
tion through such features as chat rooms and discussion boards, permits
the tracking of user behavior, and allows both instructors and students to
monitor their progress. Blackboard, WebCT and Moodle are among the
better known LMSs.
learning module n
in teaching and instructional materials, a series of linked activities and
materials related to a certain objective, usually larger than a single lesson
or unit.
learning outcome n
also student learning outcome, SLO
a statement of what is expected that a student will be able to do as a result
of a learning activity. Learning outcomes help instructors and course
designers to tell students what they are expected to do and what they can
hope to gain from following a particular course or programme.
learning plateau n
a temporary period that sometimes occurs in learning, when after making
initial progress a learner makes little or no further progress (as seen by a flat
part on a learning curve). After a period of time the learning plateau is
followed by further learning. Learning plateaus are often observed in second
and foreign language learning.
learning resources n
those materials and other sources of learning that are used in a language
programme, such as books, computers, DVDs and CDs.
learning rule n
in connectionism, changes in weights of the connections in a network are
governed by learning rules, equations that specify how and by how much
connections are strengthened or weakened based on experience. Whenever
a particular pathway through the network results in a successful outcome,
the relevant connections are strengthened. When a particular pathway does
not result in success, some network architectures implement a procedure
called back propagation, which weakens connections. As these learning
rules are applied repeatedly over a large number of training sessions, the
system is increasingly fine-tuned and errors are reduced.
learning management system