
(Chris Devlin) #1
I bought a, uhm... what do you call it...a floor polisher.
A repair made by another person (i.e. which is other-initiated) is known as
other repair. For example:
A: How long you spend?
B: Hmm?
A: How long did you spend there?
B’s response serves to indicate that a repair is needed to A’s original utterance.

repeated measures design n
another term for within-subjects design

repertoire n
see speech repertoire

repetition drill n
see drill

repetition stage n
another term for practice stage

replicability n
see dependability

replication n
conducting a research study a second time in order to test or extend the
original findings. An exact replicationis one in which the original research
design is followed, while a partial replicationis one in which certain aspects
of the design are modified, for example, repeating the study with different
types of participants.

reported speech n
see direct speech

reporting n
the process of communicating assessment results to students, their parents
and the institution, usually through written reports.

reporting verb n
a verb such as advise,suggest,tellused in indirect speech to report what
someone has said.
I told her to be here at 7 pm.

repeated measures design
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