
(Chris Devlin) #1
Scanning may be contrasted with skimmingor skim-reading, which is a
type of rapid reading which is used when the reader wants to get the main
idea or ideas from a passage. For example a reader may skim-read a chapter
to find out if the writer approves or disapproves of something.
see also reading speed

scatter diagram n
also scattergram, scatterplot
a representation on a graph of two separate variables, in such a way as to
display their relationship as shown below:


Y axis: scores on test Y
X axis: scores on test X
see also correlation

scattergram n
see scatter diagram

scatterplot n
see scatter diagram

schema n
also scheme, macro-structure, genre-scheme, discourse structure, frame,
rhetorical structure
1 a mental representation, plan or structure.
2 a collection of organized and interrelated ideas, concepts and prior
knowledge structures that are abstract representations of objects, events
and relationships in the real world.
3 (in text linguistics and discourse analysis) the underlying structure
which accounts for the organization of a textor discourse. Different
kinds of texts and discourse (e.g. stories, descriptions, letters, reports,
poems) are distinguished by the ways in which the topic, propositions,

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