
(Chris Devlin) #1

self-access adj
(of instructional materials) the capacity of materials to be used indepen-
dently by learners without the guidance or direction of a teacher.
see also self-access learning centre

self-access learning centre n
also self access centre
a room or area in an educational institution containing learning resources
of different kinds which students can use under supervision. It may contain
computers for individual student use, video and TV monitors and audio
facilities, as well as print-based learning resources. Students may be directed
to certain learning materials (e.g. grammar reviews) designed to comple-
ment and support regular teaching activities in a language programme.
A number of different systems are used for the managements of self access
1 menu driven system– a dedicated self-access system in which all materials
are classified and information is stored electronically (or otherwise).
A student refers to the menu to gain access to the system
2 supermarket system– students can look around and choose the materials
they wish to use. Materials are displayed under categories
3 controlled access system– a student is directed to specific materials by a
tutor, usually as a follow up to class work
4 open-access system– the centre is part of a library open for use by students
studying English as well as to other students.

self-assessment n
see self-evaluation

self-concept n
the image a person has of himself or herself. A measure of a person’s
self-concept is sometimes included in the study of affective variables (see
cognitive variable) in language learning.

self-correction n
correction by a learner of an error in his or her language use, without
assistance from a teacher or other learners.

self determination theory n
also SDT
a theory of human motivation that emphasizes the choices that people
make of their own free will, rather under coercion or to gain external
rewards. SDT expands on the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic

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