
(Chris Devlin) #1

a theory of language originated by the American linguist, Pike. In tagmemic
analysis there are three hierarchies or systems: grammatical, phonological,
and lexical. In each of these systems there are a number of levels. For
example, in the grammatical system there are: the morpheme level, the
word level, the phrase level, the clause level, the sentence level, the para-
graph level. On each level of the grammatical system there are tagmemes
displaying relationships between grammatical functions and classes of
linguistic items which can fill these functions(fillers).

tag question n
see question, tag

talk-in-interaction n
see conversation analysis

tandem learning n
a situation in which two people who are both knowledgeable in their own
language and culture and meet regularly to learn each other’s language and
culture as well as to socialize and exchange information. Each partner is
responsible for his or her own learning and decides what, how, and when to
learn. Normally it is a complement to formal instruction in a language
course. When such learning takes place over the internet it is known as
e-tandem learning.

tap n
see flap

tape script n
seeaudio script

target language^1 n
also L2
(in language teaching) the language which a person is learning, in contrast
to a first language or mother tongue.

target language^2 n
the language into which a translation is made (e.g. in a bilingual dictionary).
see also source language^2

target situation n
in language curriculum development and LSP, the situation or setting in
which the student will have to use the target language. This may be a study

target situation
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