
(Chris Devlin) #1

teacher evaluation n
procedures used to gather information about how and how well a teacher
teaches. Teacher evaluation may be based on observation, learner evaluations,
student results, self-evaluation, interviews, portfolios, etc., and serves a number
of different purposes, including identifying strengths and weaknesses, con-
tract renewal and promotion, and as part of the process of staff development.
see appraisal system

teacher-centred instruction n
another term for teacher-directed instruction

teacher research n
a term to describe teacher-initiated investigations of their own classrooms,
including action research. The notion of teacher research seeks to redefine
the roles of teachers who are viewed as active investigators of learning and
interaction within their own classrooms. Such a view is said to empower

teacher’s edition n
a comprehensive guide or manual that accompanies a textbook or course
book and which provides detailed information on the goals and methodology
of the book, how to use the materials, answer keys and may also contain
supplementary materials and tests.

teacher self-evaluation n
the evaluation by a teacher of his or her own teaching. Procedures used in
self-evaluation include the video- or audio-recording of a teacher’s lesson
for the purpose of subsequent analysis or evaluation, the use of self-report
forms on which a teacher records information about a lesson after it was
taught, as well as the keeping of journal or diary accounts of lessons in
which a teacher records information about teaching which is then used for
reflection and development.

teacher talk n
that variety of language sometimes used by teachers when they are in the
process of teaching. In trying to communicate with learners, teachers often
simplify their speech, giving it many of the characteristics of foreigner
talk and other simplified styles of speech addressed to language learners.
see also caretaker speech

Teacher Talking Time n
see student talking time

teacher evaluation
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