
(Chris Devlin) #1
approach to teaching that fails to acknowledge an active role for learners
in the learning process. It can be contrasted with other more learner-
centred teaching approaches such as:
1 problem-solving approach: students and the teacher collaborate in the
exploration of issues and topics
2 co-operative learning approach: students work in small groups under the
supervision of the teacher.

treatment n
in research, the independent or predictor variable that is hypothesized to
have an effect on some other variable (see dependent variable).

tree diagram^1 n
a visual representation of the phrase structure (also constituent struc-
ture) of a phrase or sentence.
For example, the structure of the English sentence
The parrot shrieked noisily.
can be shown by the simplified tree diagram:


see also labelled bracketing

tree diagram^2 n
see base component, constituent structure, node, phrase-structure

trialling n
see pretesting

triangulation n
(in qualitative research) the process of collecting data from several dif-
ferent sources or in different ways in order to provide a fuller understanding

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