
(Chris Devlin) #1
how much the scores obtained differ from the mean, and is the square of the
standard deviation.

variant n, adj
see variable^1

variation n
also language variation
differences in pronunciation, grammar, or word choice within a language.
Variation in a language may be related to region (see dialect, regional
variation), to social class and /or educational background (see sociolect)
or to the degree of formality of a situation in which language is used (see
see also free variation

variety n
see speech variety

velar adj
describes a speech sound (a consonant) which is produced by the back of
the tongue touching the soft palate (the velum) at the back of the mouth.
For example, in English the /k / in /kin/ kInand the /g/ in /get/ get are velars,
or, more precisely, velar stops.
Because the back of the tongue is called the dorsum, these sounds are
sometimes called dorsal.
see also place of articulation, manner of articulation

velarization n
in phonology, a secondary articulation in which the back of the tongue
is raised towards the soft palate. In many forms of English syllable final /l/
as in hillis strongly velarized.

velum n
also soft palate
see place of articulation, velar

Venn diagram n
in teaching, a type of graphic organizer that is used to show how concepts
are interrelated as well as how they are different. For example Venn diagrams
might be used to compare two short stories and to show how they are alike
and how they are different in plot, character, style, etc.

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