
(Chris Devlin) #1
other mother tongue Englishes but also newer varieties of English that have
emerged in countries that were once colonies and dependencies of the
United Kingdom or the USA. These new Englishes are seen to take their
place as legitimate varieties of English fulfilling distinctive functions in
pluralistic societies such as Singapore, India, Pakistan, the Philippines,
Nigeria and Fiji.

writer-based prose n
also egocentric writing
see reader-based prose

writing across the curriculum n
see language across the curriculum

writing-centre n
a centre on a college or university campus where English-second language
students can obtain support in their academic writing assignments. Such
support may involve peer tuition and feedback by instructors.

writing conference n
(in teaching composition) an activity in which the teacher and a student
meet for a short period of time to discuss student writing and different
aspects of the composing process (see composing processes).
Through regular conferences with students during a writing pro-gramme
either in a part of the classroom or elsewhere, the teacher tries to promote
awareness of writing strategies, to personalize writing for the student, and
to make learners more confident about their writing.

writing log n
see learning log

writing-modes approach n
a teaching approach in which L2 composition students write paragraphs
and essays whose primary purpose is to focus on such organizational modes
as definition, comparison-contrast, classification, cause-effect.

writing portfolios n
see portfolio

writing processes n
the strategies, procedures and decision-making employed by writers as they
write. Writing is viewed as the result of complex processes of planning,

writer-based prose
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