
(vip2019) #1

The Consumer Buying Decision Process 101

dissatisfaction. This is why the marketer’s job does not end when the product is
bought. In particular, marketers must monitor postpurchase satisfaction, postpur-
chase actions, and postpurchase product uses.

Postpurchase SatisfactionThe buyer’s satisfaction with a purchase is a function of the
closeness between the buyer’s expectations and the product’s perceived perfor-
mance.^34 If performance falls short of expectations, the customer is disappointed;if it
meets expectations, the customer is satisfied;if it exceeds expectations, the customer is
delighted.These feelings of satisfaction influence whether the customer buys the prod-
uct again and talks favorably or unfavorably about the product to others.
The importance of postpurchase satisfaction suggests that product claims must
truthfully represent the product’s likely performance. Some sellers might even under-
state performance levels so that consumers experience higher-than-expected satisfac-
tion with the product.

Postpurchase Actions The consumer’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the product
after purchase will influence subsequent behavior. Satisfied consumers will be more
likely to purchase the product again. This has been confirmed by the data on automo-
bile brand choice, which show a high correlation between satisfaction with the last
brand bought and intention to rebuy the brand. One survey showed that 75 percent of
Toyota buyers were highly satisfied and about 75 percent intended to buy a Toyota
again; 35 percent of Chevrolet buyers were highly satisfied and about 35 percent
intended to buy a Chevrolet again. Satisfied customers also tend to say good things
about the brand to others, which is why many marketers say: “Our best advertisement
is a satisfied customer.”^35
Dissatisfied consumers, on the other hand, may abandon or return the product;
seek information that confirms its high value; take public action by complaining to the
company, going to a lawyer, or complaining to government agencies and other groups;
or take private actions such as not buying the product or warning friends.^36 In these
cases, the seller has done a poor job of satisfying the customer.^37
Marketers can use postpurchase communications to buyers as a way to reduce
product returns and order cancellations.^38 Computer companies, for example, might
take a number of actions, including sending e-mail messages to new buyers congratu-
lating them on having selected a fine computer, placing ads showing satisfied brand
owners, soliciting customer suggestions for improvements, and providing channels for
speedy resolution of customer complaints.

Postpurchase Use and Disposal Marketers should also monitor how buyers use and
dispose of the product after purchase. The various options that are open to consumers
are shown in Figure 3-4. If consumers store the product and never use it, the product
is probably not very satisfying, and word-of-mouth will not be strong. If they sell or
trade the product, new-product sales will be depressed.
Consumers sometimes find new uses for a product, as Avon discovered when its
customers talked about Skin-So-Soft bath oil and moisturizer as an insect repellant.
This prompted Avon to seek and receive Environmental Protection Agency approval
so it could officially tout Skin-So-Soft as a triple-action product that provides insect
repellent, waterproof sunscreen, and moisturizers.^39
As Figure 3-4 indicates, getting rid of the product permanently leads to a new set
of options. If consumers throw the product away, the marketer needs to consider how
they dispose of it, especially if it can hurt the environment. For example, increased
public awareness of recycling and ecological concerns as well as consumer complaints
about having to throw away beautiful bottles led French perfume maker Rochas to

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