■ Hold down promotion costs:MPR costs less than direct mail and media advertising.
The smaller the company’s promotion budget, the stronger the case for using PR
to gain share of mind.
Specific objectives should be set for every MPR campaign:
■ Wine Growers of California The Wine Growers of California hired the pub-
lic-relations firm of Daniel J. Edelman, Inc., to develop a publicity campaign
to convince Americans that wine drinking is a pleasurable part of good liv-
ing and to improve the image and market share of California wines. The fol-
lowing publicity objectives were established: (1) Develop magazine stories
about wine and get them placed in top magazines and in newspapers; (2) de-
velop stories about wine’s many health values and direct them to the med-
ical profession; (3) develop specific publicity for the young adult market,
college market, governmental bodies, and various ethnic communities.
Whereas PR practitioners will continue to reach their target publics through the
mass media, MPR is increasingly borrowing the techniques and technology of direct-
response marketing to reach target audience members one to one. PR expert Thomas
L. Harris offers suggestions for how PR and direct-response marketing can work to-
gether to achieve specific marketing objectives:^70
■ Build marketplace excitement before media advertising breaks:For example, the an-
nouncement of a new product offers a unique opportunity for obtaining public-
ity and for dramatizing the product.
■ Build a core consumer base:Marketers are increasingly recognizing the value of
maintaining consumer loyalty, because it costs far less to keep a consumer than
to get a new one.
■ Build a one-to-one relationship with consumers:Marketers can use telephone hot
lines and 800 numbers, plus the Internet, to build and maintain relationships
with individual consumers.
part five
Managing and
Delivering Marketing
(^608) Programs
Major Tools in Marketing PR
TABLE 5.12