Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

(Amelia) #1

82 DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

Item value

A. Mass of empty 100 mL volumetric flask 69.94 g

B. Mass of filled 100 mL volumetric flask 189.47 g

C. Mass of 100.0 mL of titrant (B – A) 119.53 g

D. Mass of beaker, titrant, and Beral pipette (initial)135.11 g

E. Mass of beaker, titrant, and Beral pipette (final)106.87 g

F. Mass of titrant used (D – E) 28.24 g

G. Volume of titrant used (E·100/C) 23.63 mL

TABLE 5-2: Example values for a titration by mass difference

FIGURE 5-12: Determining the combined mass of beaker, titrant, and Beral pipette

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