144 DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments
TABLE 7-3:
Determine concentration of a solution by visual colorimetry
(unknown solution): observed and calculated data
Item Data
A. initial mass of copper sulfate ____.____ g
B. interpolated mass-to-volume percentage
estimate _________%
C. mass of remaining copper sulfate
____.____ g
d. mass of copper sulfate sample (A–C)
____.____ g
E. actual mass-to-volume percentage ____.____%
f. percentage error
If you have not already done so, put on your splash
goggles, gloves, and protective clothing.
Use the 5.00 mL pipette to transfer 5.00 mL of distilled
water into test tube #6.
Place a weighing paper on the balance and tare the
balance to read 0.00 g.
Weigh out 2 to 3 g of copper sulfate and record the mass
to 0.01 g on line A of Table 7-3.
Using the spatula, transfer about one quarter of the
copper sulfate to test tube #6, and swirl the test tube
until all of the copper sulfate has dissolved.
Compare the color of the solution in test tube #6
against the colors of the solutions in test tubes #1
through #5. You’ll find it easiest to get an accurate
comparison if you place a well-lit sheet of white paper
behind the test tubes.
Estimate the concentration of the unknown solution in
test tube #6 by judging how its color compares to the
known sample solutions in test tubes #1 through #5.
For example, you might judge that the color of your
unknown solution is a bit more than halfway between
the colors of test tubes # 3 and #4. By interpolation,
estimate the mass-volume percentage of copper sulfate
in test tube #6 as closely as possible, and enter that
value on line B of Table 7-3.
8. Weigh the remaining copper sulfate and record the mass
to 0.01 g on line C of Table 7-3.
9. Determine the mass of the copper sulfate sample that
you dissolved in test tube #6 and enter the value to 0.01
g on line D of Table 7-3.
10. Calculate the actual mass-to-volume percentage for test
tube #6, and enter that value on line E of Table 7-3.
11. Calculate the percentage error and enter that value on
line F of Table 7-3.