Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

(Amelia) #1
Preface xv


We have verified the information in this book to the best of
our ability, but you may find things that have changed (or
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try to incorporate reasonable suggestions into future editions.
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I read all mail I receive from readers, but I cannot respond
individually. If I did, I’d have no time to do anything else. But I
do like to hear from readers.

I also maintain a dedicated web site to support the
Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: All Lab,
No Lecture. The home page contains corrections and errata,
supplemental material that didn’t make it into the book,
updated lists of sources for equipment and chemicals,
additional experiments, links to electronic books and
other resources, and so on. Visit this site before you buy
any equipment or chemicals and before you do any of the
experiments. Revisit it periodically as you use the book.

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