Chapter 1: Introduction 3
Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery ...................................................................................................
Laboratory 17.1: Photochemical Reaction of Iodine and Oxalate ................................................31
Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Anions ........................................................
Laboratory 19.4: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Cations .......................................................
Laboratory 19.5: Qualitative Analysis of Bone ............................................................................
Laboratory 20.1: Quantitative Analysis of Vitamin C by Acid-Base Titration ...........................
Acid-Base Titration
Laboratory 20.2: Quantitative Analysis of Chlorine Bleach by Redox Titration .......................
Redox Titration
Laboratory 20.3: Quantitative Anion Analysis of Seawater .......................................................
Laboratory 21.1: Synthesize Methyl Salicylate from Aspirin ......................................................3
21.2 – Synthesize Rayon Fiber
Laboratory 22.1: Use the Sherlock Holmes Test to Detect Blood .............................................
Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for Illicit Drugs ..................................................38
Laboratory 22.3: Reveal Latent Fingerprints ..............................................................................
22.4 – Use the Marsh Test to Detect Arsenic or Antimony
Table 1-1 summarizes how the lab sessions in this book map
to the experiments recommended by the College Board for
the AP Chemistry exam. Note that some of the recommended
experiments are completed in the first year and need not be
repeated in the second.
For second-year (AP) chemistry students, allocate at least two
2-hour chemistry lab periods per week or one 4-hour lab period.
The following lab sessions (which assume that the preceding
group of labs has been completed in a first-year course) are a
good starting point:
Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a Hydrate ...................................................................11
Laboratory 7.5: Determine Concentration of a Solution by Visual Colorimetry ........................1
Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of Aqueous Salt Solutions ...................................................
Laboratory 11.3: Observe the Characteristics of a Buffer Solution ...........................................2
Laboratory 11.4: Standardize a Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Titration ...................................2
12.4 – Determine the Effect of a Catalyst on Reaction Rate
Laboratory 13.3: Determine a Solubility Product Constant ........................................................
Acetic Acid in Vinegar ........................................................................................ Laboratory 14.4: Use the Ideal Gas Law to Determine the Percentage of
Acetic Acid in Vinegar
Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar Mass From Vapor Density ...................................................
Laboratory 15.4: Determine the Enthalpy Change of a Reaction ...............................................
Laboratory 16.2: Observe the Electrochemical Oxidation of Iron ...............................................
Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials ..........................................................................
16.4 – Observe Energy Transformation
16.5 – Build a Voltaic Cell
Table 1-1:
AP Recommended Experiments mapped to laboratory sessions in this book
#AP Recommended Experiment #Corresponding Laboratory Session(s)
1Determination of the formula of a compound9.2Observe a Decomposition Reaction
2Determination of the percentage of water in
a hydrate
6.6Determine the Formula of a Hydrate
3Determination of molar mass by vapor density14.5Determine Molar Mass from Vapor Density
4Determination of molar mass by freezing point
8.2Determine Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression
5Determination of the molar volume of a gas14.4Use the Ideal Gas Law to Determine the Percentage of Acetic
Acid in Vinegar
6Standardization of a solution using a primary
11.4Standardize a Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Titration
7Determination of concentration by acid-base
titration, including a weak acid or weak base
20.1Quantitative Analysis of Vitamin C by Acid-Base Titration
8Determination of concentration by oxidation-
reduction titration
20.2Quantitative Analysis of Chlorine Bleach by Redox Titration
9Determination of mass and mole relationship in a
chemical reaction
9.4Stoichiometry of a Double Displacement Reaction
10Determination of the equilibrium constant for a
chemical reaction
13.3Determine a Solubility Product Constant