328 DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments
q 1 : What physical characteristic does a gelled sol possess that differentiates it from ordinary liquids?
q: 2 What differences did you observe between burning napalm and burning gasoline?
dISoALp S : All of the products used in this lab are
burned. Allow the beakers and stirring rod to sit
outdoors until any gasoline residue has evaporated, and
then wash them with soap and water.
10.fter the napalm has finished burning and you have A FIGURE 18-6: Napalm burning
allowed the surface to cool, repeat the burning test using
50 mL of liquid gasoline. (Use extreme care when igniting
liquid gasoline, and don’t do it in your glass beaker.) Once
again, make sure that you have a fire extinguisher handy,
and verify that there are no children or pets in the vicinity.
After you have verified that it is safe to do so, note the
time and use the lighter or match to ignite the gasoline.
While the gasoline burns, note your observations,
including the appearance and intensity of the flame,
whether the flame spreads or stays in one place, how long
the flame continues, any unusual odor, and so on.