Erim Hester Duursema[hr].pdf

(Jeff_L) #1

2006), hence the fourth factor, including only one item, ³,DPWKHRQHWDNLQJWKHGHFLVLRQV ́ was
discarded. This resulted in a three-factor structure, 1) people-orientation (including four behavioral
items), 2) Task orientation (including three behavioral items) and 3) visionary/innovation orientation
(including two behavioral items). Next the internal reliability of these factors and the intercorrelations
were tested. The results from the Cronbach Alpha test and intercorrelations between the factors are
shown in the Table A.5.

Table A.5: Descriptives, intercorrelations and Cronbach alpha’s of leadership dimensions

7KH&URQEDFK$OSKD¶VIRUWKHYLVLRQDU\LQQRYDWLRQ-oriented leadership scale is relatively low, yet this
may be due to the small number of items. The factors people-orientation and task-orientation were
significantly positively correlated (p < .01). The visionary/innovation-orientation showed to be
independent of both people-orientation and task-orientation.
Next to the closed questions which were scored on a five-step Likert scale, the survey included the
following question? Do you feel there are tensions underlying your role as a leader? If so, can you
shortly describe the tension? Only 34 (out of 163) participants responded to these questions. Table
A.6 shows the tensions that were mentioned.

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