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the normal tensions against creative, outrageous think-
ing. It invites the right side of your brain to play along.
Recently a friend called for some advice about his
career. He was in show business and had developed his
act to the point where he was one of the top performers
in the nation. His problem was marketing and self-pro-
motion. That part of his career was lagging behind his
“What if I told you that there is someone who can
give you 100 specific marketing ideas tailored to your
precise career and audience?” I asked him. He was very
“You, yourself are that person,” I said.
I then told him about the list-of-20 self-storming tech-
nique I had personally been using for a number of years.
He eagerly jotted down the rules of the game and got
busy playing.
Two weeks later he called me very excited about the
results. “I’ve got some really great marketing ideas right
now, more than I’ve ever had in the past,” he said.
Self-mentoring is the best mentoring you can get be-
cause your mentor knows you so well. And although it’s
often beneficial to get specific outside personal coach-
ing, the best coaching teaches us to look within. A great
mentor once said, “The kingdom of heaven is within you.”
57. Keep changing your voice
There have been times when I have been told that I
am lucky to have a good speaking voice. And some people
are impressed that I rarely use a microphone in my semi-
nars, even with hundreds of people in the audience.
People will conclude that I have been “blessed” with
a powerful set of vocal cords. But it is not true. As I