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smoking feel bad to their bodies. They quit smoking be-
cause they had introduced a replacement.
People who diet have the same experience. It isn’t
staying away from fattening food that works—it’s in-
troducing a regular diet of delicious, healthy food that
works. It’s replacement.
Subconsciously you don’t think your bad habits are
bad! And that’s because they’re filling a perceived need.
So the way to strengthen yourself is to identify the need
and honor it. Honor the need by replacing the current
habit with one that is healthier and more effective. Re-
place one habit, and soon you’ll be motivated to replace
60. Paint your masterpiece today
Think of your day as a blank artist’s canvas.
If you go through your day passively accepting what-
ever other people and circumstances splatter on your
canvas, you will more than likely see a mess where art
could be.
If the mess troubles your sleep, your next new day
will begin in a state of fatigue and mild confusion. From
such a state, your canvas will be splattered all the more
with shapes you don’t like and colors you never chose.
Thinking of your day as a painter’s canvas will allow
you to be more conscious of what is happening to you
when you flood your mind with nothing but Internet
gossip, commercials on the radio, the latest murder
trial, your spouse’s criticisms, office politics, and pessi-
mistic musical lyrics.
If you’ll allow yourself to step back far enough to
realize and truly see that your daily canvas is filling up
with all these negative things, a certain freedom occurs.
It’s the freedom to choose something better.