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and create it, or not. The energy of our lives is wholly
dependent on how much purpose we’re willing to create.
84. Go on a news fast
I first heard the phrase “news fast” from Dr. An-
drew Weil, who writes about natural medicine and
spontaneous healing. Weil recommends going on news
fasts because he believes this has a healing effect on
the human system. To him, it’s a genuine health issue.
My own recommendation for news fasts has to do
with the psychology of self-motivation. If you go for pe-
riods of time without listening to or reading the news,
you will notice an upswing in your optimism about life.
You’ll feel a lift in energy.
“But shouldn’t I stay informed?” people ask me.
“Aren’t I being a bad citizen if I don’t keep up with what’s
happening in my community? Shouldn’t I be watching
the news?”
In answer to this question, I offer an observation that
may startle you: The news is no longer the news.
It used to be that Walter Cronkite would end his
program by saying, “And that’s the way it is.” And we
trusted that he was right. But today, it’s much differ-
ent. Shock value has the highest premium of all for a
news story, and the lines are now blurred between the
evening news and the grossest tabloids. Tom Brokaw is
as likely to lead his show with a story about a woman
cutting off her husband’s private parts as is The Na-
tional Enquirer.
Today, the goal of the person putting the evening
news show together is to stimulate our emotions in as
many ways as possible. Every night we will see human
suffering. We will also see con artists, and even whole