
(Chris Devlin) #1

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grown by random external circumstances. Willpower is
a deliberate volitional process.

When I left college to join the army, one of the rea-
sons I decided to sign up was because I thought it might
help teach me to develop my self-discipline. But some-
how I had not been aware of the “self” in self-discipline.
I wanted discipline to be given to me by someone else. I
found out in boot camp that others do not give willpower
and self-discipline. The drill sergeant might have been
persuasive and inspiring (or at times terrifying), but he
couldn’tmake me do anything until I decided to do it.
Nothing happened until I generated the will to make it
Make a promise to yourself to be clear and truthful
about your own willpower. It is always there.

30. Perform your little rituals

See yourself as a shaman or medicine man who needs
to dance and sing to get the healing started.
Make up a ritual that is yours and yours alone—a
ritual that will be your own shortcut to self-motivation.
As you read through these various ways to motivate
yourself, you might have noticed that action is often the
key.Doing something is what leads to doing something.
It’s a law of the universe: An object in motion stays in

The great basketball player Jack Twyman used to
begin each practice session by getting to the court early
and taking 200 shots at the basket. It always had to be
200 shots, which he counted out, and it didn’t matter if
he already felt tuned up after 20 or 30 shots. He had to
shoot 200. It was his ritual, and it always got him into a
state of self-motivation for the rest of the practice ses-
sion or game.

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