Principles of Marketing

(C. Jardin) #1

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Many companies use experiments to test all of their marketing communications. For example, the online
discount retailer carefully tests all of its marketing offers and tracks the results of each
one. One study the company conducted combined twenty-six different variables related to offers e-mailed
to several thousand customers. The study resulted in a decision to send a group of e-mails to different
segments. The company then tracked the results of the sales generated to see if they were in line with the
earlier experiment it had conducted that led it to make the offer.

Step 3: Design the Data-Collection Forms

If the behavior of buyers is being formally observed, and a number of different researchers are conducting
observations, the data obviously need to be recorded on a standardized data-collection form that’s either
paper or electronic. Otherwise, the data collected will not be comparable. The items on the form could
include a shopper’s sex; his or her approximate age; whether the person seemed hurried, moderately
hurried, or unhurried; and whether or not he or she read the label on products, used coupons, and so

The same is true when it comes to surveying people with questionnaires. Surveying people is one of the
most commonly used techniques to collect quantitative data. Surveys are popular because they can be
easily administered to large numbers of people fairly quickly. However, to produce the best results, the
questionnaire for the survey needs to be carefully designed.

Questionnaire Design
Most questionnaires follow a similar format: They begin with an introduction describing what the study is
for, followed by instructions for completing the questionnaire and, if necessary, returning it to the market
researcher. The first few questions that appear on the questionnaire are usually basic, warm-up type of
questions the respondent can readily answer, such as the respondent’s age, level of education, place of
residence, and so forth. The warm-up questions are then followed by a logical progression of more
detailed, in-depth questions that get to the heart of the question being researched. Lastly, the
questionnaire wraps up with a statement that thanks the respondent for participating in the survey and
information and explains when and how they will be paid for participating. To see some examples of

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