Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

86 7 Fields, Spatial Differential Operators

Fig. 7.3 Uniaxial
squeeze-stretch field

(iv) Uniaxial Squeeze-stretch Field

The vector field

vμ= 3 eμeνrν−rμ= 3 zeμ−rμ, (7.21)

withz=eνrνcan be used to describe a stretching in the direction parallel to the unit
vectoreand a squeezing in both directions perpendicular toe. This vector field is
the gradient of the potential function




(eμrμ)^2 −



r^2 =




2 z^2 −x^2 −y^2


, (7.22)

where the components ofrperpendicular toeare denoted byxandy(Fig.7.3).

(v) Planar Squeeze-stretch Field

Leteandube two orthogonal unit vectors,e·u=0. The vector field

vμ=eμuνrν+uμeνrν=yeμ+xuμ, (7.23)

withx =eνrνandy=uνrν, is of the form needed to describe the deformation
of an elastic solid with stretching and squeezing, within thex–y-plane, under 45◦
and 135◦with respect to thex-axis, cf. Fig.7.4. There is no deformation in the third
Again, the vector field can be obtained as the gradient of a potential function, in
this case one has

Φ=eμrμuνrν=xy. (7.24)

When the coordinate axis are rotated by 45◦, the potential reads

Φ=( 1 / 2 )


(eνrν)^2 −(uνrν)^2


=( 1 / 2 )(x^2 −y^2 ). (7.25)
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