Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1
102 7 Fields, Spatial Differential Operators

The plane wave is a special case of (7.63). In complex notation, this solution of
the wave equation reads

Eμ=Eμ(^0 )exp[ikνrν−iωt]. (7.64)

The wave vectorkνand the circular frequencyωare linked by thedispersion relation
kνkν=ω^2 /c^2 or
ω=kc, (7.65)

wherekis the magnitude of the wave vector.

7.2 Exercise: Test Solutions of the Wave Equation
Proof that both the ansatz (7.63) and the plane wave (7.64) obey the wave equation.
Furthermore, show that theE-field is perpendicular to the wave vector, and that the
B-field is perpendicular to both.

7.5.4 Scalar and Vector Potentials.

The electric fieldEand theB-field can be expressed as derivatives of the electroscalar
potentialφand a magnetic vector potentialAaccording to



Aμ, Bμ=εμνλ∇νAλ. (7.66)

With the ansatz (7.66), the homogeneous Maxwell equations (7.57) are fulfilled
The electromagnetic potential functions, however, are not unique. More specifi-
cally, the same fieldsEandBfollow from (7.66), whenφandAare replaced by



f, A′λ=Aλ+∇λf,

where f = f(t,r)is a scalar function. This allows, e.g. to requireφ= 0or
For charges and currents in vacuum, whereD=ε 0 EandB=μ 0 H, insertion of
(7.66) into the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations (7.56) and use of the scaling


φ+∇λAλ= 0 , (7.67)

leads to






Aν=μ 0 jν, φ=Δφ−







ε 0

ρ. (7.68)
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