Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1
106 7 Fields, Spatial Differential Operators

the equation (7.78) can be written as



−r−^1 εμνλr̂νLλ. (7.81)

Notice: the differential operatorL =r×∇only acts on the angular part of a
function depending on the vectorr. In particular, one hasLf(r)=0 when fis
only a function ofr=|r|.
The Cartesian components of the differential operator do not commute. More
specifically, one finds the commutation relation

LμLν−LνLμ=−εμνλLλ, (7.82)

or equivalently,
ελμνLμLν=Lλ. (7.83)

The differential operatorLis closely related to the quantum mechanical angular
momentum operator, cf. Sect.7.6.2.

7.4 Exercise: Radial and Angular Parts of the Nabla Operator, Compare

7.5 Exercise: Prove the Relations(7.82)and(7.83)for the Angular Nabla

Hint:use(4.10) and observe that the names of summation indices can be changed
conveniently, as long as none appears more than twice.

7.6.2 Application: Orbital Angular Momentum Operator

The quantum mechanical angular momentum operatorLop, in spatial representation,
is given by





εμνλrν∇λ. (7.84)

Hereis the Planck constanth, divided by 2π, andiis the imaginary unit, with the
propertyi^2 =−1. The expression (7.84) follows the definitionr×pfor the orbital
angular momentum, cf. Sect.3.4.1, when the linear momentumpis replaced by the



∇, (7.85)

in spatial representation.
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