Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1
108 7 Fields, Spatial Differential Operators

7.6.3 Radial and Angular Parts of the Laplace Operator.

The Laplace operator can be decomposed into a radial and angular parts, by analogy
to the decomposition (7.81) of the nabla operator. With the help of the angular
differential operatorL, one has

Δ=Δr+r−^2 LμLμ. (7.90)

The radial partΔris given by













+ 2 r−^1


. (7.91)

To prove the relation (7.90) with (7.91), one can computeLμLμ, starting from the
definition (7.80). One finds


Nowuseofεμνλεμαβ=δναδλβ−δνβδλα, cf. Sect.4.1.2, leads toLμLμ=r^2 ∇λ∇λ−

r^2 ∂

∂r^2 +r

∂r−^3 r

∂r. Thus one obtains






− 2 r−^1




Forr>0, this relation is equivalent to (7.90).
Notice thatΔr−^1 =0, forr =0. This result applies just for 3D, the three-
dimensional space we live in. In D dimensions one hasΔr(^2 −D)=0, see the next

7.6 Exercise: Determine the Radial Part of the Laplace Operator in
DDimensions, ProveΔr(^2 −D)= 0

Hint: Compute∇μ∇μf=∇μ(∇μf), where the functionf=f(r)has no angular
dependence, and use∇μrμ=D.
Furthermore, make the ansatzf =rnand determine for which exponentnthe
equationΔrn=0 holds true.

7.6.4 Application: Kinetic Energy Operator

in Wave Mechanics

The kinetic energy of a particle with massmand with linear momentumpis
p·p/( 2 m). In Schrödinger’s wave mechanics, in spatial representation, the linear
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