Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1
124 8 Integration of Fields

Fig. 8.10Flux through an
areaAand side view of an
effective areaAeff


Herevis the magnitude of the homogeneous vector field. The effective area


is the actual area of the surface, reduced by the cosine of the angle betweenvand
the normal to the plane, see Fig.8.10.

8.2 Exercise: Surface Integrals over a Hemisphere
Consider a hemisphere with radiusR, with the center at the origin. The unit vector
pointing from its center to the North pole is denoted byu.
Compute the surface integralsSμν=

vνdsμ, over the hemisphere and the pertain-
ing fluxS=Sμμfor

(i) the homogeneous vector fieldvν=vv̂ν=const. and
(ii) the radial fieldvν=rν.

Hint: use the symmetry argumentsSμν∼uμv̂ν(case i) andSμν∼uμuν(case ii),
to simplify the calculations. Put the base of the hemisphere onto thex–y-plane, for
the explicit integration.

8.2.6 Generalized Stokes Law

TheStokes lawprovides a relation between surface integrals of a certain type with a
line integral along the closed rim of the surface. Thus the “dimension” of the integral
is reduced from 2 to 1. This applies when the integrand of the surface integral is a
spatial derivative of a functionf=f(r), which then occurs as integrand in the line
integral. To be more specific, thegeneralized Stokes lawreads:




f(r)drμ. (8.35)
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