Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1
12.5 Selection Rules for Electromagnetic Radiation 237

radiation. According to (12.140) the angle dependent part of the=1 wave function
isΦ 1 (̂r)=Cμφμ, withCμ=eμ≡E−^1 Eμ, thus

Φ 1 =Φ 1 (r)=

3 eλ̂rλ. (12.141)

Clearly,eis the unit vector parallel to the field. For linearly polarized light, propagat-
ing inz-direction,e=excan be chosen. The field orientation of circular polarized
light is described bye= 2 −^1 /^2 (ex±iey). Notice that the wave function is complex,
in this case. The vector and tensor polarizations in this exited state are

〈Lμ〉= 0 , 〈LμLν〉=exμexν, (12.142)

for the linearly polarized light. For circular polarization, one obtains

〈Lμ〉=ezμ, 〈LμLν〉=−ezμezν. (12.143)

The computations leading to these results are deferred to the Exercise12.5.

12.5 Exercise: Compute the Vector and Tensor Polarization for a= 1 State
Hint: use the wave function (12.141) witheμ=exμandeμ=(exμ+ie

the linear and circular polarized cases. For the angular momentum operator and its
properties see Sect.7.6.2.

12.5.3 Electric Quadrupole Transitions

The HamiltonianHquadinducing electric quadrupole transitions is proportional to
rλrκkκEλ, wherek=k̂kis the wave vector of the incident electric fieldE=Ee.
From (11.57) follows, that the application ofHquadon the wave functionΨyields
three contributionsΨ′with

′=, ± 2.

More specifically, one has

eλ̂kκ̂rλ̂rκφμ 1 ···μcμ 1 ···μ


(+ 2 )(+ 1 )
( 2 + 5 )( 2 + 3 )
φμ 1 ···μλκ+
2 + 3
Δ(,μ 1 μ^2 ,) 2 ···μ,λκ,ν 1 ν 2 ···νφν 1 ···ν


(− 1 )
( 2 + 1 )( 2 − 1 )

Δ()μ 1 μ 2 ···μ,νλ ν 1 ν 2 ···ν− 2 φν 1 ···ν− 2

eλ̂kκcμ 1 ···μ. (12.144)
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