Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1
2.4 Rotation of the Coordinate System 21

Fig. 2.5 The components of
the position vectorrin the
original coordinate system
and in one rotated about the
3-axis by the angleαare
given by the projections ofr
on the coordinate axes 1, 2
and 1′,2′, respectively

2.4.2 Proper Rotation

In general, an orthogonal transformation is either a proper rotation or a rotation
combined with mirrored axes. The relation (2.39) implies(detU)^2 =1, thus detU=
±1. In the case of aproper rotation, the determinant “det” of the transformation
matrix is equal to 1. Check the sign of the determinant for the simple matrices shown
in (2.40).
An instructive nontrivial special case is the rotation of the coordinate system about
one of its axes, e.g. the 3-axis as in Fig.2.5by an angleα.Letrbe a vector located
in the 1–2-plane, the angle betweenrand the 1-axis is denoted byφ. Then one has
r 1 =rcosφ,r 2 =rcosφ,r 3 =0, whereris the length of the vector. From the figure
one infers:r 1 ′=rcos(φ−α)=r(cosφcosα+sinφsinα)=r 1 cosα+r 2 sinαand
r 2 ′=rsin(φ−α)=r(sinφcosα−cosφsinα)=−r 1 sinα+r 2 cosα; furthermore
r 3 ′=0. Thus the rotation matrixUμν=Uμν( 3 |α), also denoted byU( 3 |α), reads:

U=U( 3 |α):=

cosα sinα 0
−sinαcosα 0

⎠. (2.41)

A glance at (2.41)showsU( 3 |−α)=UT( 3 |α). This is expected on account of
(2.39) equivalent toU−^1 =UT, since the rotation by the angle−αcorresponds to
the inverse transformation.
By analogy to (2.41), the transformation matrix for a rotation by the angleβabout
the 2-axis is

U=U( 2 |β):=

cosβ 0 −sinβ
01 0
sinβ0 cosβ

⎠. (2.42)

The two rotation matricesU( 3 |α)andU( 2 |β)do not commute, i.e. one has

U( 3 |α)μλU( 2 |β)λν=U( 2 |β)μλU( 3 |α)λν.
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