Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

372 18 From 3D to 4D: Lorentz Transformation, Maxwell Equations

18.1.3 Lorentz Transformation Matrix

Components of the 4-vector in two coordinate systems which move with a constant
(x′)i=Likxk,(x′)i=Lkixk. (18.11)

The condition (18.5) implies
LikLni=δnk. (18.12)

This relation is analogous to the unitarity condition (2.31) for the 3-dimensional
rotation matrix. In (18.12) the summation is over the fore indices. The corresponding
relation with a summation over the hind indices also holds true:

LkiLin=δkn. (18.13)

As in the case of the orthogonal transformation discussed in Sect.2.41for a rotation in
3D, the reciprocal of the 4D Lorentz transformation matrixLis equal to its transposed
matrixL ̃, thusL−^1 =L ̃.

18.1.4 A Special Lorentz Transformation.

Consider a ‘primed’ coordinate system which moves with the constant velocityvin
the 1- orx-direction. With the abbreviations





1 −β^2

, (18.14)

the rule proposed by Lorentz for the interrelation of the components with respect to
these coordinate systems are

x′=γ(x−vt)=γ(x−βct), y′=y, z′=z, ct′=γ(ct−βx). (18.15)

Clearly, forβ1 and consequentlyγ≈1, the Lorentz transformation rule (18.15)
reduces to the corresponding Galilei transformation wherex′=x−vtandt′=t.
A contra-variant Lorentz vectorais transformed according to

(a′)^1 =γ(a^1 −βa^4 ), (a′)^2 =a^2 ,(a′)^3 =a^3 ,(a′)^4 =γ(a^4 −βa^1 ).(18.16)

The pertaining Lorentz transformation matrix, cf. (18.11), is

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