18.4 Maxwell Equations in 4D-Formulation 383
18.4.4 The Homogeneous Maxwell Equations
From the definitionFik=∂kΦi−∂iΦk,cf.(18.55) follows
∂nFik+∂iFkn+∂kFni= 0. (18.58)
The left hand side of this equation is identical to zero unless all three indices(n,i,k)
are different. The case( 1 , 2 , 3 )corresponds to∇μBμ =0, the cases( 2 , 3 , 4 ),
( 3 , 1 , 4 ),( 1 , 2 , 4 )are equivalent to the induction law
cf. (7.57). Thus (18.58) is the 4D formulation of the homogeneous Maxwell equa-
tions, which are a consequence of the field tensor being given in terms of the 4-
potential by (18.55).
The dual field tensor, cf. (18.42), is
F ̃ik=^1
εikmnFmn=εikmn∂mΦn. (18.59)
One has
∂kF ̃ik=εikmn∂k∂mΦn= 0 ,
since∂k∂mis symmetric under the interchange ofkandm, while the epsilon-tensor is
antisymmetric. Thus the homogeneous Maxwell equations (18.58) are equivalent to
∂kF ̃ik= 0. (18.60)
18.4.5 The Inhomogeneous Maxwell Equations
By analogy to (18.57), the four-dimensionalH-tensor is defined by
0 H 3 −H 2 cD 1
−H 3 0 H 1 cD 2
H 2 −H 1 0 cD 3
−cD 1 −cD 2 −cD 3 0
⎠. (18.61)
The field tensorHikhas the same form asHik, just with the opposite sign of the
terms involvingD 1 ,D 2 ,D 3.