388 18 From 3D to 4D: Lorentz Transformation, Maxwell Equations
18.3 Exercise: Derivation of the 4D Stress Tensor
18.4 Exercise: Flatlanders Invent the Third Dimension and Formulate their
Maxwell Equations
The flatlanders of Exercise7.3noticed, they can introduce contra- and co-variant
xi=(r 1 ,r 2 ,ct), xi=(−r 1 ,−r 2 ,ct).
With the Einstein summation convention for the three Roman indices, the scalar
product of their 3-vectors is
xixi=−(r 12 +r 22 )+c^2 t^2 =−r^2 +c^2 t^2.
They use the differential operator
∂r 1
∂r 2
and form the 3-vectors
JI=(j 1 ,j 2 ,cρ), Φi=(A 1 ,A 2 ,φ/c)
from their current and charge densities and their vector and scalar potentials.
How are the relations
B=∂ 1 A 2 −∂ 2 A 1 , Ei=−∂iφ−∂A/∂t, i= 1 , 2 ,
which are equivalent to the homogeneous Maxwell equations, cast into the pertaining
three-dimensional form? Introduce a three-by-three field tensorFijand formulate
their homogeneous Maxwell equations.
How about the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations in flatland?