Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

26 2Basics

Fig. 2.6 Parity operation:

The parity operatorP, when applied on any functionf(r), yieldsf(−r):

Pf(r)=f(−r). (2.52)

Clearly, one hasPf(−r)=f(r)and consequently

P^2 = 1 , (2.53)

or(P− 1 )(P+ 1 )=0. Thus the eigenvalues of the parity operator are

P=± 1. (2.54)

Usually eigenfunctions are referred to as havingpositiveornegativeparity, when
P=1 andP=−1, respectively, applies.

2.6.2 Parity of Vectors and Tensors.

In most applications tensors, and this includes vectors, are eigenfunction of the parity
operator. Tensors of rankwith

P=(− 1 ) (2.55)

are calledproper tensors, those with

P=−(− 1 )=(− 1 )+^1 (2.56)

arereferredtoaspseudo tensors.
For vectors (=1), also the termspolar vectorandaxial vectorare used to
distinguish between proper and pseudo vectors. Examples for polar vectors are the
and the magnetic field are axial vectors, as will be discussed later.

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