Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

436 Index

Heat conductivity, 337
Heat flux vector, 220
Heat-flow birefringence, 326
Heisenberg picture, 244
Helfrich viscosity, 316
Helfrich viscosity coefficient, 334
Helical axis, 274
Hermitian operator, 107
Hexadecapole moment, 172
High frequency shear modulus, 310
High temperature approximation, 206
High temperature expansion, 205
Homgeneous field, 84 , 89
Homogeneous Maxwell equations, 98 , 383
Homogeneous vector field, 92 , 115
Hooke’s law, 305
Hydrostatic pressure, 97
Hysteresis-free medium, 148

Incompressible flow, 141
Infinitesimal rotation, 262
Inhomogeneous Maxwell equations, 98 , 384
Integrability condition, 91
Integrationbyparts, 140
Interaction potential, 196
Intermittent states, 364
Internal angular momentum, 98 , 320
Internal field, 340
Internal force density, 142
Internal rotational degree of freedom, 98
Invariance condition, 369
Inverse transformation, 18
Irreducible, 55
Irreducible tensor, 155 , 186
Irreversible processes, 301
Irreversible thermodynamics, 303
Isotropic fluid, 314
Isotropic linear medium, 149
Isotropic part, 34
Isotropic phase transition, 279
Isotropic system, 306
Isotropic tensor, 56 , 183

Janus spheres, 197
Jaumann-Maxwell model, 330
Johnson-Segalman model, 330

Kayaking tumbling, 363

Kayaking wagging, 363
Kerr effect, 208
Kinetic energy, 108 , 375
Kinetic energy operator, 108
Kinetic equation, 216 , 227
Kirkwood-Smoluchowski equation, 228
Kronecker symbol, 15

Lagrange density, 385
Landau-de Gennes potential, 343
Landau-de Gennes theory, 279
Laplace equation, 93 , 163
Laplace fields, 93
Legendre polynomial, 157 , 172
Leslie viscosity coefficients, 333 , 334
Levi-Civita tensor, 47 , 378
Line integral, 111 , 113
Linear mapping, 25 , 66
Linear medium, 146
Linear molecules, 60
Linear momentum density, 97 , 142
Linear momentum of the electromagnetic
field, 151
Linear momentum operator, 107
Linear relation, 24 , 27
Linear rotator, 250
Linear transformations, 16
Linearly increasing field, 85 , 89
Liquid crystals, 273
Local momentum conservation equation,
Log-rolling, 363
Lorentz field approximation, 204
Lorentz force, 45 , 314
Lorentz invariance, 104 , 371
Lorentz invariant, 374
Lorentz scalar, 373
Lorentz scaling, 381
Lorentz tensor, 373
Lorentz transformation, 372
Lorentz vector, 373
Lyotropic liquid crystal, 274

Magnetic field, 98 , 127
Magnetic field tensors, 103
Magnetic induction, 98
Magnetic moment, 241
Magnetic permeability, 148
Magnetic quantum numbers, 241
Magnetic susceptibility, 98
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