Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

438 Index

Pole–pole interaction energies, 176
Pole–quadrupole interaction energies, 176
Polymer coils, 321
Polymeric liquids, 346
Position vector, 11
Potential energy, 223
Potential of a vector field, 114
Potentials, 78
Power density, 386
Poynting vector, 147
Pre-transitional increase, 341
Precession frequency, 319
Pressure broadening, 356
Pressure tensor, 97 , 142 , 224
Principal axes representation, 56
Principal values, 56
Principle of Archimedes, 143
Projection operator, 241
Projection tensor, 36 , 260 , 268
Proper rotation, 21
Proper time, 374

Quadruple product, 72
Quadrupole moment, 169 , 171
Quadrupole potential, 164
Quadrupole–quadrupole interactions, 177
Quantization axis, 161
Quantum mechanical angular momentum
operator, 106

Radial and angular parts, 105
Radial and cylindrical fields, 85 , 90
Radial component, 30
Radius of gyration tensor, 62
Rayleigh expansion, 233
Rayleigh scattering, 353
Reciprocal effect, 325
Reciprocal relations, 303
Recursion relation, 194
Reduced mass, 81
Regular tetrahedra, 293
Relaxation coefficients, 211
Relaxation time, 211
Relaxation time approximation, 228
Rheochaos, 365
Rheological behavior, 365
Rheological properties, 328
Rheology, 328
Richtungs-Quantelung, 241
Rod-like particles, 347

Rotated coordinate system, 24
Rotation, 89
Rotation axis, 134
Rotation tensor, 260
Rotational damping, 339
Rotational eigenstates, 251
Rotational quantum numbers, 253
Rotational Raman scattering, 256 , 354
Rotational velocity, 320
Route to chaos, 364

Scalar fields, 78 , 113
Scalar invariants, 69 , 195
Scalar product, 13
Scaled variables, 347
Scattering wave vector, 224
Schrödinger equation, 234
Screw curve, 45
Second law of thermodynamics, 301
Second rank alignment tensor, 277 , 341
Selection rules, 236
Senftleben-Beenakker effect, 318
Shape parameter, 339
Shear flow, 343 , 362
Shear-flow induced distortion, 227
Shear modulus, 306
Shear rate tensor, 227
Shear thickening, 346
Shear thinning, 330 , 346
Shear viscosity, 98 , 177 , 333
Shear viscosity tensor, 313
Shilnikov bifurcation, 368
Simple shear field, 87
Simple shear flow, 87 , 90
Smectic, 274
Smectic A, 276
Smectic B, 276
Smectic C, 276
Smectic liquid crystals, 276
Solid body, 304
Solid-like rotation, 87
Solid-like rotational flow, 92
Sonine polynomials, 215
Source free, 89
Spatial Fourier transform, 352
Spatially inhomogeneous alignment, 349
Special relativity, 374
Spectral functions, 353
Speed of light, 370
Spherical Bessel functions, 233
Spherical components, 158 , 262
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