Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1
Chapter 7
Fields, Spatial Differential Operators

Abstract This chapter is devoted to the spatial differentiation of fields which are
tensors of various ranks and to the properties of spatial differential operators. Firstly,
scalar fields like potential functions are considered. The nabla operator is intro-
duced and applications of gradient fields are discussed, e.g. force fields in Newton’s
equation of motion. Secondly, the differential change of vector fields is analyzed,
the divergence and the curl or rotation of vector fields are defined. Special types
of vector fields are studied: vorticity-free fields as derivatives of scalar potentials
and divergence-free fields as derivatives of vector potentials. The Laplace operator,
the Laplace and Poisson equations are introduced. The conventional classification of
vector fields is listed. Thirdly, tensor fields are considered. A graphical representation
of symmetric second rank tensors is given. Spatial derivatives of tensor fields are dis-
cussed. An application involves the pressure tensor in the local conservation law for
linear momentum. Further applications are the Maxwell equations of electrodynam-
ics in differential form. This chapter is concluded by rules for the nabla and Laplace
operators, their decomposition into radial and angular parts, with applications to the
orbital angular momentum and kinetic energy operators of Wave Mechanics.

A functionf = f(r)which determines a number at any space pointris called
afield. In three dimensional space (3D),fis a function of the three components
r 1 ,r 2 ,r 3 of the position vector. Such a function, in turn, can be a scalar, a component
of a vector or of a tensor. Depending on the rank of the tensor, one talks of

  1. Scalar fields, examples are:
    the potential energyΦ=Φ(r)or the electrostatic potentialφ=φ(r).

  2. Vector fields, like
    the forceF=F(r), the electric fieldE=E(r),or
    the flow fieldv=v(r)of hydrodynamics.

  3. Tensor fields, an example for a second rank tensor field is
    the pressure tensor or the stress tensor.

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
S. Hess,Tensors for Physics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12787-3_7

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