Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Videbeck

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


make assumptions based on his or her own

  • Nonverbal communication includes facial
    expressions, body language, eye contact,
    proxemics (environmental distance), touch,
    and vocal cues. All are important in under-
    standing the speaker’s message.

  • Understanding the context is important to
    the accuracy of the message. Assessment of
    context focuses on who, what, when, how,
    and why of an event.

  • Understanding the context is important to
    the accuracy of the message. Assessment of
    context focuses on who, what, when, how,
    and why of an event.

  • Spirituality and religion can greatly affect a
    client’s health and health care. These beliefs
    vary widely and are highly subjective. The
    nurse must be careful not to impose his or
    her beliefs on the client or allow differences
    to erode trust.

  • Cultural differences can greatly affect the
    therapeutic communication process.

  • When guiding a client in the problem-solving
    process, it is important that the client (not
    the nurse) chooses and implements solutions.

  • Therapeutic communication techniques and
    skills are essential to successful management
    of clients in the community.

  • The greater the nurse’s understanding of his
    or her own feelings and responses, the better
    the nurse can communicate and understand
    For further learning, visit


Andrews, M., & Boyle J. (2003). Transcultural concepts in
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relationships. In J. Gladstone (Ed.), Man’s image
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Knapp, M., & Hall, J. (2002). Nonverbal behavior
in human interaction(5th ed.). New York:
Knapp, M. L. (1980). Essentials of nonverbal communica-
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Morley, W. E., et al. (1967). Crisis: Paradigms of inter-
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Northouse, L. L., & Northouse, P. G. (1998). Health
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Castledine, G. (2002). Nurses’ bedside manner: Is it dete-
riorating? British Journal of Nursing, 11(10), 723.
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Critical Thinking Questions

1.Explain why the nurse’s attempt to solve the
client’s problem is less effective than guiding
the client to identify his or her own ways to
resolve the issue.
2.The nurse is working with a client whose
culture includes honoring one’s parents and
being obedient, keeping “private” matters
within the family only, and not talking with
strangers about family matters. Given this
client’s belief system, how will the nurse use
therapeutic communication effectively?
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