and statements when speech and thoughts
are disorganized or confused; helping to de-
velop social skills by modeling and practic-
ing; and helping to educate the client and
family about schizophrenia and the impor-
tance of maintaining a therapeutic regimen
and other self-care habits.
- Self-awareness issues for the nurse working
with clients with schizophrenia include deal-
ing with psychotic symptoms, fear for safety,
and frustration with dealing with relapses
and repeated hospital admissions.
For further learning, visit
Adams, C., Wilson, P., & Bagnall, A–M. (2000). Psycho-
social interventions for schizophrenia. Quality in
Health Care,9, 251–256.
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and
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Aquila, R., & Korn, M. L. (2001). Promoting reintegration
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Beebe, L. H. (2002). Problems in community living identi-
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Buchanan, R. W., & Carpenter, W. T. (2000). Schizophre-
nia: Introduction and overview. In B. J. Sadock &
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chiatry,Vol. 1 (7th ed., pp. 1096–1110). Philadelphia:
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Bustillo, J. R., Lauriello, J., Horan, W. P., & Keith, S. J.
(2001). The psychosocial treatment of schizophrenia:
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pp. 1169–1199). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
Dyck, D. G., Short, R. A., Hendryx, M. S., Norell, D.,
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Marder, S. E. (2000). Schizophrenia: Somatic treatment.
In B. J. Sadock & V. A. Sadock (Eds.), Comprehensive
Critical Thinking Questions
1.Clients who fail to take medications regularly
are often admitted to the hospital repeatedly,
and this can become quite expensive. How do
you reconcile the client’s rights (to refuse
treatment or medications) with the need to
curtail avoidable health care costs?
2.What is the quality of life for the client with
schizophrenia who has a minimal response to
antipsychotic medications and therefore poor
treatment outcomes?
3.If a client with schizophrenia who experiences
frequent relapses has a young child, should
the child remain with the parent? What fac-
tors influence this decision? Who should be
able to make such a decision?
4.How does the nurse maintain a positive but
honest relationship with a client’s family if
the client does not respond well to anti-
psychotic medications?