Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1

waste it. That will certainly be appreciated. More
importantly, you will also be taking a leadership
role in the use of time and resources—a proac-
tive and respectful stance that people will come
to identify with you.

Being on Time
“Be on time from sun up to sun down,” say old-
school time managers. Poor time-management
practices almost always affect your daily schedule.
If you fail to accurately estimate how long it takes
to accomplish what you have to do and to build
in time to deal with unexpected interruptions,

“I don’t care how much
power, brilliance or
energy you have, if you
don’t harness it and
focus it on a specifi c
target, and hold it there
you’re never going to
accomplish as much as
your ability warrants.”
—Zig Ziglar
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