Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


people to function in the most time- effi cient
manner possible, step up your organizational-
design skills. Making sure that all employees in
your department are placed in the right posi-
tion for their skills can save precious time in the
long term. When a person’s natural talents and
abilities are not aligned with his job, boredom,
restlessness, and resentment can set in. As a
result, his time is squandered. The more people
are misaligned, the more complex your time-
management challenge. Putting your people to
work at tasks that are aligned with their own
abilities and that complement their colleagues
ensures that you’re achieving maximum effi -
ciency from the time you have.



How many of your workday hours are
genuinely productive in terms of pro-
ducing revenue? How many are spent
commuting, filling out paperwork,
attending meetings, dealing with ven-
dors, and in other such activities? One
study of Fortune 500 CEOs revealed
that CEOs spend an average of 28
truly productive minutes per day.
SOURCE:No B.S. Time Management for Entrepre-
neursby Dan Kennedy (Entrepreneur Press, 2004).

Behind the Numbers

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