Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1

tell him, “That was great. Now give me 12 more
weeks just like that one.” The pressure might
be too much and the bar set too high, leading
the person to bail out emotionally. It’s better to
encourage the employee incrementally. Say, “Let’s
try for those numbers again next month.”

Reaching your objectives requires a series of
actions or tasks. Tasks are the most specifi c steps
needed to achieve an objective, and, in turn, a
long-term goal. The amount of time required to
complete a task can vary from a couple of hours
to a couple of weeks.
In order for a soccer team to win games
(objectives) and reach the play-offs (the goal),
team members must practice before each game,


The only one who can decide whether
you are using your time productively
is you. Ask yourself: Are you achieving
what you want for yourself and your
family through your use of time? If the
answer is yes, then you’re managing
your time well. But if you’re constantly
swinging into periods of frantic activ-
ity, you need to rethink your use of
time and learn how to manage it more


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