time it will take you to get these tasks done, but
also on what you will do or what needs to hap-
pen during quiet periods—intervals in which no
tasks need your attention.
If, after you’ve started your project and work
is underway, you feel frustrated that you’re not
staying on schedule, you might not be account-
ing for these quiet periods, when little work gets
done. If it feels as if your project is crawling at a
snail’s pace, it is important to review what can
be done to minimize downtime and keep tasks
Take the example of a project that involves
creating new stationery for a corporate client. To
speed up the project, you might limit your paper
selection to stock that’s available domestically. By
eliminating paper that has to be specially ordered
from Asia and takes a month to deliver, you’re
eliminating downtime during which nothing
would be accomplished.