Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


to leave. If you want the caller to reach you on
your cell phone or at another number, say so. If
there is a staff member who fi elds your phone
calls, refer callers to that person. If you’re not
going to be returning calls until a certain time,
state that clearly.
As with responding to e-mails, you might
want to dedicate a particular time of your day to
returning phone calls. Whenever possible, you
want to return all calls by the end of the busi-
ness day—phone messages that accumulate will


When you do dial the phone or accept
a call, you still want to make efficient
use of the time. It’s tempting to relax
and chat when there’s a telephone
receiver in your hand. To stay in con-
trol of telephone time, remember to:

  • Avoid giving callers a chance to
    chat endlessly.

  • Ask callers politely to get to the

  • Give verbal cues when it’s time
    to move on or end the call.

  • Write out your talking points
    before you call.


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