Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done

(Darren Dugan) #1


be a nice idea, but not necessary to get your task
accomplished. Indeed, it may be a time sinker for
both of you, and a teleconference would be more
convenient and time effi cient.
Meeting manners.Start on time—don’t let
latecomers derail the meeting agenda and sched-
ule even before the meeting has started. Once a
meeting begins, get people quickly into meeting
mode. If half the room is distracted by their cell
phone or handheld wireless devices, ask them to
put their electronic gadgets aside for the remain-
der of the meeting, unless such tools will be
specifi cally needed. Monitor the time you spend
on each item on the agenda and keep moving the


Meetings can turn into incredible time-
wasters. They can also be an effective
use of time, especially when it comes
to exchanging real-time information
and getting real-time feedback. Make
the most of your meetings by:

  • Having a clear purpose to be pro-

  • Distributing an agenda in advance

  • Planning logistics to minimize


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