European Drawings - 1, Catalogue of the Collections

(Darren Dugan) #1


104 The Town and Castle of

Saumurfrom across the Loire

Pen and brown ink and brown, gray, red, and green wash
on ledger paper; H: 24 cm (9^7 /i 6 in.); W: 41.2 cm
(i6^3 /i6 in.)
MARKS AND INSCRIPTIONS: (Recto) at bottom right
margin, collection mark of William Esdaile (L. 2617);
(verso) inscribed De Stad Samur bij de kerk van St. Lam-
bert /aldus te zien aan de revier d'Loire in brown ink by
Doomer; abs /Barker 251 July j, 1845 in graphite.
PROVENANCE: Jeronimus Tonneman, Amsterdam (sale,
Hendrik de Leth, Amsterdam, October 21, 1754, prob-
ably Book S); William Esdaile, London (sale, Christie's,
London, June 18, 1840, lot 1194); sale, Barker, London,
July 7, 1845, lot 251; art market, London.

EXHIBITIONS: Exhibition of Fifty Old Master Drawings,
Baskett and Day, London, 1983, no. 23.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. Schulz, "Lambert Doomer 1624-
1700 , Leben und Werke," unpub. Ph.D. diss., Freie
Universitat Berlin, 1972, vol. 2, p. 295.

ings on ledger paper formerly in the Tonneman collec-
tion, Amsterdam, that were auctioned there in 1754. It is
also one of at least twenty depictions of Saumur by the
artist (Schulz 1972, vol. 2, pp. 287-295). While Schulz
mentions this sheet in his list of lost Doomer drawings
(1972, vol. 2, p. 295), he does not make reference to it in
his 1974 monograph^1 since the sheet had not yet reap-
peared. The drawing dates from around 1670 and is based
upon another made by the artist in 1646, when he visited
Saumur with his friend Schellinks between July 10 and
18 (Schultz 1972, vol. 2, p. 288). The earlier version is in
the Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brus-
sels (inv. noo).^2 It has been proposed by L. Hendrix that
the stone structure to the left of the seated draughtsman
is the church of Saint-Lambert, an identification sup-
ported by the inscription on the verso and by a reference
in Schellinks' diary in which he notes his and Doomer's
arrival at Saint-Lambert and the beauty of the view of
Saumur from that vantage point.^3 Saumur is shown from
the north, with the churches of Saint-Pierre at the foot
of the chateau and Notre-Dame de Natilly and Notre-
Dame des Ardilliers to the south (Schultz 1972, vol. 2, p.

  1. W. Schultz, Lambert Doomer: Samtliche Zeichnungen (Berlin,

  2. W. Sumowski, Draw ings of the Rembrandt School, vol. 2 (New
    York, 1979), no. 391.

  3. H. van den Berg, "Willem Schellinks en Lambert Doomer
    inFrankrijk," Oudheidkundigjaarboek, ser. 4, n (1942), pp. 14-


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