European Drawings - 1, Catalogue of the Collections

(Darren Dugan) #1


122 Dead Tree by a Stream

at the Foot of a Hill

Black chalk, point of brush, and light and dark gray
wash; H: 14.4 cm (5ZI/6 in.); W: 18.9 cm (y^7 /i6 in.)
85.00.41 0
MARKS AND INSCRIPTIONS: (Recto) at bottom left,
signed JVR (interlaced) in black ink; (verso) collection
mark of Dr. H. E. ten Gate (L. Suppl. 533b).
PROVENANCE: Dr. H. E. ten Gate, Almelo; Adolph
Schwarz, Amsterdam; art market, California.
EXHIBITIONS: De verzameling van A. Schwarz, Rijks-
prentenkabinet, Amsterdam, 1968, no. 90 (catalogue by
J. W. Niemeijer).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: D. Hannema, Catalogue of the H. E. ten
Gate Collection (Rotterdam, 1955), vol. i, p. 156, no. 283;
J. Giltay, "De tekeningen van Jacob van Ruisdael," Oud
Holland 94 (1980), pp. 155, no. 13; 190, 205.

group of eight landscapes with numerous trees, all of
which he has dated to 1650-166 0 (1980, p. 155). This
dating would conform with the setting, tentatively iden-
tified by him as Bentheim (Giltay 1980, p. 190), a sug-
gestion supported by S. Slive.^1 The latter has noted that
half-timbered buildings are not found in Holland and
that van Ruisdael only began incorporating them into his
paintings and drawings after his trip to Bentheim around
i65O.^2 A similar structure recurs in van Ruisdael's paint-
ing of 1653, The Castle of Bentheim (Blessington, Beit
The composition of this drawing was anticipated in
the painting Landscape with Cottages, Dunes and Willows
of 1646 (Southhill, Biggleswade, S. Whitbread collec-
tion).^4 In both, a relatively large mass of trees and foliage
appears in the right foreground, while the left side opens
to a deep diagonal vista interrupted by only a few minor
motifs. Equally, the composition of the Museum's draw-
ing is paralleled in an etching by van Ruisdael, The Little
Bridge, dated by Slive to around 1650-1655, just after the
artist s return from Bentheim.^5 The two not only agree
in overall composition but also contain the same detail of
a man walking across a small footbridge.
Van Ruisdael first sketched the Museum's compo-
sition in black chalk and then went over it with a brush
in gray wash of various tonalities, creating a rich diver-
sity of textural and light effects, especially at the right.
On the basis of similar handling, Giltay (1980, pp. 150—
151, 155) has related this sheet to a group of eight draw-
ings of the ruins of the castle at Egmond aan den Hoef,
dating them all to the mid-i65os.

1. During a visit to Malibu in 1985 Slive also noted his accep-
tance of the authenticity of the monogram.
2. S. Slive, Jacob van Ruisdael, exh. cat., Fogg Art Museum,
Harvard University, Cambridge, 1982, p. 253.
3. Ibid., no. 14.

  1. Ibid., fig. 6.
    5. Ibid., no. 105-A.

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