Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ìIt is stated that after the death of Berengarius, his doctrine
in reference to [the Eucharist], against the belief of the Roman
church, gained much favor among his followers, who were
called Berengarians; so that England, France, Italy, Spain,
Germany, and even part of the Netherlands, became filled
with it. A certain writer says: ëThey did not adhere to
Berengarius as to a reed which is swayed by the wind; and
their faith did not rest on men, however pious or godly these
might have been, but upon the pure Word of God, which
abides forever.íî 3

With this kind of opposition against Papal doctrine gaining momentum,
something had to be done. In 1095 Pope Urban II convened a great council
against the Berengarians. It was held in Piacenza, Italy and drew bishops from
Italy, Burgundy, France, Germany, Bavaria and many other countries. It attracted
such a large gathering that no church could be found big enough to hold this
meeting, so it was held in an open field.

ìBertoleus Constantiensis says, that in this council a canon
or rule was established, by which the views of Berengarius,
which were [earlier] called a heresy, were again, [called heresy
and] as had repeatedly been done previously, anathematized
or cursed, but the views of the Roman church, [were]
confirmed as [true doctrine]. Hence it came, that a great
persecution and dire distress arose, particularly about A.D.
1100, over said Berengarians, so that, at first, some were
exiled here and there, from the Roman dominion, some
expelled, and some were punished with death, yea, with
death by fire...î 4 (emphasis mine)

The stories of faithful men such as Tyndale, Latimer and Ridley are known
throughout Christendom. These were men who laid their lives down for the sake
of Christ and the Gospel.

ìAnd they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb,

and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives

unto the death.î Revelation 12:11

John Wycliffe is considered to be one of the great men of God of times past. His
words stand as true today as they have for over 600 years.

Concerning the doctrine of transubstantiation, he was adamant.
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